Richard Blackwell
Solo Exhibition

Exhibition Runs: 23 September - 7 October 2023

Opening Reception: 23 September // 12-2pm

Address: 656 Bridge Rd, Lower Ground RICHMOND VIC

'Too Much' is an exhibition of new works chronicling the complex, systematic and reflective practice of Richard Blackwell. Intersecting geometric abstraction, painting, printmaking, sculpture and robotic automation Blackwell’s latest solid surface and enamel paintings represent the beginning of the next chapter of his art career.

Conceived via a fusion of traditional drawing practices and parametric architectural design principles and created using techniques similar to those of intaglio printmaking processes, these intricately machine carved and spray-painted panels have been realised in the materials of present-day furniture design and automotive bodywork. This complex merging of influences means these works, which sit at the juncture of image and object, are a direct reflection of contemporary technological cognition.

Guided by the design theories of optical art these exquisite abstract artworks have colour contrasts hand spray painted into the grooves of his carved line work. This paint application playfully references community practices like graffiti and sign writing, whilst also creating shifting colourways as the viewer moves past them.

Complementing these works are a series of sculptural installations and cyanotype prints displayed on tables designed, manufactured or salvaged by the artist, in collaboration with fellow artists and technicians.

As this exhibition is classed as a 'proto show' it’s design is intentionally temporary and modular in nature, representing a checkpoint in the constantly evolving processes that constitutes Blackwell’s reflective practice, research methods and never ending quest to document the rise of technology alongside the complexity and fragility of human experience.

Blackwell was raised in Canberra, studied at the Art Institute of Chicago, and has activated three maker-spaces to date including a salvaged warehouse studio in Canberra called 'Studio Studio' where this exhibition was produced. He is the Screen Printing teacher at the ANU School of Art (both beginning and advanced courses) and design, the robotic fabrication lab co-ordinator for the UNSW School of Built Environment. Richard hosts a yearly Art Sale called 'Multiple' aimed at exhibiting work of emerging artists and in December will launch an ongoing exhibition program of his collected prints called 'With'.

This is the second of three exhibitions Blackwell will present in 2023, his experimental techniques being presented in three separate discussions, starting on October 7 at the closing of 'Too Much' and culminating in a panel discussion entitled 'The Hyper Matrix' at Southern Graphics Council International, Road Island in 2024, co hosted by Kate Conlon, Richard's collaborative partner.  

Richard thanks Claire Harris and Phe Luxford of Flinders Lane Gallery for their enduring support and representation, Tom Adair of Thought Forms Gallery and the people of Naarm for hosting this experimental exhibition. He thanks Dean Anderson and Micheal Reid Gallery in Sydney for their patience and support, Clare Costello, and Tara Walker of T and CC's creative community for their patronage. 

Richard thanks Artists and technicians Robbie Karmel, George Papadogiannis, Nellie Peoples, Juniper Maffescioni, Boyd Blackwell, Kael Stasce, Francis Kenna, and Anna Madeline for there contributions. He thanks Priscilla Tan for her support and patience.  Richard apologises to the design futures lab, and studio studio for his sometimes unwitting intrusions into their space and time. Richard's favourite artists are Tauba Auerbach, Andrea Zitel, and Frank Stella. m adaptation of Cabaret (1972).

Richard Blackwell // TOO MUCH
Installation View 2023

Various Works
Contact Study, 2023
Solid Surface, Spray Paint* // 614 x 1394 x 24mm

Richard Blackwell // TOO MUCH
Installation View 2023

Various Works
Adair Study, 2023
Solid Surface, Spray Paint* // 614 x 1394 x 24mm


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